One Word

December is here and #reverb10 has begun. Just as a fair warning to my usual readers: my posts this month are going to be a little more me-centric than usual, due to the nature of reverb10, which is about reflecting on the past year and manifesting what’s next. I hope you’ll join me J Even if you don’t make your own posts, feel free to leave your responses in my comments. Without further ado, today’s prompt:

One Word. Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?


This past year I’ve felt like I’ve been wandering, trying to find my place in the world. I know what place I want: On bookshelves in libraries, teen bedrooms, and bookstores. But that’s not a place I can get to quickly even though I’m working toward it every day. So the question becomes: what else?

I have a degree in Mechanical Engineering, but discovered that I’m not interested in that as a career. So what should I do? Should I try to get a job in another industry that I’m passionate about? Should I suck it up and work in engineering? Should I pursue more education so that I can switch fields? (Just to be clear, I’m not actually asking for advice. Just thinking out loud)

And it’s not just professionally either. I’m starting to discover more and more things about myself that have nothing to do with a career. I’m realizing I don’t want all the things I’m expected to, the same things everyone else wants. And people try to tell me I’m “wrong,” that I’ll change my mind because I can’t possibly be right. I think I spent so much time lost because it took me a long while to realize exactly how big a load of BS that is.

Different isn’t wrong.

And that’s something I know everyone struggles with. No matter what your difference is, people try to bulldoze it, try to assimilate you. And that is a terrible shame. Because “different” is awesome. It’s what makes the world beautiful and what makes life interesting.

I see this all around me: people who have allowed others to suppress their difference. And they’re miserable. I’m talking the find-joy-in-knocking-others-down, groping-through-life-with-no-passion, substituting-material-possessions-for-true-happiness kind of miserable.

And I don’t want to be one of those people. So the one word I hope will describe 2011 for me is:


Different experiences. Different emotions. Different locations. Different people.

Don’t get me wrong; I enjoy the experiences, emotions, places and people that have been a part of my life so far. But there’s no reason why I can’t expand my horizons and seek out new challenges.

So there you have it. What about you? What is the one word that describes your 2010? And the word that you hope will describe your 2011.

17 thoughts on “One Word

  1. A fantastic post! I wish you luck in finding your place in the world. It is a tough thing to do and something I'm still working on. May next year bring lots of different experiences to inspire you.


  2. I love the “meandering” photo – that would have been a great way for me to describe my “development” over the last year as well – I keep finding my way to new things and ideas, but for the first time in a long time, I wasn't sticking to some sort of pre-planned idea of where I should be going. Keep up the good posts on #reverb10!


  3. Very thoughtful post:) The only way to figure out what you really want is to try new things and see how you like them, so “different” puts you well on your way.I'm debating doing the reverb as well, I'm just a horrible blog poster :s


  4. Thanks Meg (Riayn)! I have a feeling my “place in the world” will be constantly changing for a long time – which is fine by me!Bethlin: I like the picture too! It perfectly shows how my life has been over the past year :-)David: I do love the word! Thanks for the encouraging words!


  5. This is beautiful. As someone who knows well the temptation to just keep on meandering, I admire you for taking strides to do something different. Different IS awesome!


  6. Others would call it lost, but you call it meandering. Kudos, lady.Looking forward to your posts this month.I'm doing #reverb10 as well — my first post is here — I'd like to think I took a negative word and made it positive, too. Keep doing different.


  7. What a lovely post! 🙂 I like your “different” explanation and would say I would like that to define me too. I'd also like to be more outgoing in the sense of being more aware of myself, if that makes sense.


  8. Since I don't have my own blog and you want me to give you words…2010: Adjusting. It's been a bit of a crazy year, getting used to being in the real world, and having to leave my college life behind. It's required a big change in my way of thinking, and I'm not actually happy or satisfied yet. I'm still adjusting to the fact that my chosen career may not be right for me, with no idea where I want to go from here.For 2011, I want growth . I don't want to lose my silly ways, but I want to be satisfied with the serious times as well. I want to get to know myself better, and figure out where my place in the world is. I'm planning on making some big decisions in 2011, and I pray they are the right ones, and help me grow into the best person possible.


  9. Ah different – yes – I love it! This is a real tough one for people to embrace – they confuse being different with not belonging and so try to be 'the same' but noone is the same. Soon as we do that we're forgetting who we are and a light goes off. What a wonderful challenge for 2011 x Selina


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